24 Nov

When it comes to recruiting for medical, or healthcare, studies, you might first think about patient recruitment. It’s true that many healthcare qualitative studies are centered around patients, but more and more, we’re seeing studies focused on clinicians and healthcare providers.

Recruiting healthcare providers, rather than patients, poses additional challenges. From access to clinicians, to incentivizing an already over-worked population to participate in qualitative studies, recruitment agencies need to have a different game-plan when it comes to successful recruitment and participation in qualitative studies of healthcare workers.

Similar to any insite research and consulting, the quality of the outcome is largely dependent on the quality of the recruits. Designing a good market research study takes a lot of energy and time, and recruiting takes up a bulk of it. Recruiting hurdles can derail studies if they blow the budget and/or take more time than originally allotted to complete a study. As with any specialized or technical market research study, it’s always best to partner with nationwide qualitative research firms.

You may be wondering why a recruiting firm would have more success than managing recruitment internally. A scholarly article written by Leif Solberg provides guidance to many nationwide recruiting agencies when it comes to health care recruitment. Mr. Solberg classified seven “R-Factors” that can influence recruiting healthcare professionals. The seven factors are: reputation, relationships, rewards, requirements, respect, resolution, and reciprocity. These factors provide the framework for how Focus Insite goes about recruiting medical professionals for qualitative market research studies

We interpret the seven “R-Factors” as follows:

Reputation: Focus Insite has a positive reputation and success rate when it comes to recruiting healthcare and medical professionals to participate in legitimate surveys for cash. Our company is well-regarded for its professional management and privacy standards. Additionally, we have a dedicated healthcare recruiting team.

Relationships: Focus Insite is involved and networked into medical communities across the country and have built lasting relationships with many medical practitioners and patients.

Rewards: Focus Insite advises market researchers to fairly compensate study participants and provides guidance on industry best practices and standards.

Requirements: Focus Insite understands the many requirements for successful study outcomes. We are committed to making the recruitment process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Respect: Focus Insite genuinely respects our study participants’ work, and their restraints. We never take our clients or study participants for granted.

Resolution: Focus Insite is determined and will make repeated contact with possible participants as needed until agreement to participate is secured.

Reciprocity: Focus Insite is very transparent with clients and participants about what the expectations are with regards to recruitment and study participation.

Ready to fill a medical study? Request a Proposal Today.

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2HuEWkZ

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